Storytelling 102: Show, Don’t Tell

Let’s get the bragging part of this post out of the way early: The high school mock trial team that I coach at the Winsor School won the state championship this year and placed 18th in the national tournament. I first posted about this team winning a state championship in, well, my first post, back […]
Deposition Basics: The Gimmick Grab-bag

A few years ago, Southwest Airlines decided to let its flight attendants liven up the pre-flight safety lecture by injecting it with sassy comedy. Suddenly, camera-phone videos of these wacky performances were popping up all over the internet (like here, here, and here), and a few Southwest flight attendants enjoyed their 15 minutes. It was […]
Adventures in Lazy Lawyering: The Broad General Release

This post is about an approach to drafting settlement agreement releases that drives me nuts. But first, some context. Much to the dismay of those of us who love trials, the fact is that most disputes — even the ones that progress as far as formal litigation — are resolved through settlement. And really, that’s […]